~ CCM Lecture Series ~
Walking Tour of Stony Point - Mike Sheehan
Battle of Springfield - Mark Hurwitz
On the Mend - Elisabeth Harmor School of Instruction
Interpretation 101 - Adam Hodges-LeClair School of Instruction
~ BAR Virtual School of Instruction ~
March 13th, 2021 -
At The Georgian Dinner Table - Niel De Marino
"Sewing 101 - So How Do I Do This?" - Henry Cooke
The Tinsmith in America: The Trade, Materials, Tools, & Products - Billy McMillen
March 14th, 2021 -
Putting the "us" in US History: How to Incorporate Diverse Points of View into your Interpretation” - Daniel Sieh
Eight Coats, Seven Shirts, Fifteen Fathom Wanpum: Early Colonial Settlement and the First Deeds - Drew Shuptar Rayvis
March 20th, 2021 -
Interpreting Nursing during the War for Independence: Background and Practical How-to’s” with Andrea Ackerman PhD
“The Scourge of War; Smallpox During the American Revolution” with Douglas Aumack
March 21st, 2021 -
"Mind the Step...an introduction to 18th Social Dance” with Sue Braisted
“Recruitment and Retainment” with Steve Gardner
“Handkerchiefs, and Other Bits of Cloth: Neckwear of 18th century towns-people & sailors in Anglo-America during the Revolutionary War era” with Ruth Hodges
"Event Planning 101 - Part 1” with Mark Hurwitz
"Event Planning 101 - Part 2" with Mark Hurwitz
~ Insights from the 18th Century ~
September 26th -
"Beyond Haym Salomon - Fighting Jews of the American Revolution" - Mark Hurwitz
September 19th -
Creating Impressions of a Lower Sort - Ruth Hodges
September 12th -
"They Were Good Soldiers": African Americans Serving in the Continental Army - John U. Rees
September 5th-
Peggy Shippen and the Treason at West Point - Dr. Charlene Boyer
August 29th -
The Third New Jersey Greys - Phil Weaver
August 22nd -
August 15th -
"After the Fashion of His Country: Asia and Asians in the 18th century English World" - Daniel Sieh
~ BAR Database ~
In order to continue the BAR's mission to educate our membership, we hope to include access the most current research and guidelines. This is only a prototype of what the Brigade hopes to accomplish. This database will be continuously updated and added to for use of our membership. Please be patient with us as we continue to workout any potential issues with this service.