Retreat Weekend Participant Schedule of Events for Saturday, November 23rd 2019
10:00 am Unit commanders meeting on patio of visitor’s center.
10:30 am Formations in camps- Crown at Blockhouse, Congressional forces at huts. Guards mounted, work details posted.
11:45 am Formation for the parade to Monument Park.
12:00 Noon Parade to Monument Park.
1:00 pm Lunch at huts.
1:30 pm Music/Infantry
2:00 pm Artillery demonstration.
3:00 pm Formation for Battle of the Blockhouse.
5:00 pm Site closed.
For driving directions and more information please visit the Palisades Interstate Park Commission website at www.njpalisades.org Fort Lee Historic Park * 201-461-1776 * Wednesday-Sunday 10:00 - 4:45 flhp@njpalisades.org