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244th Anniversary Putnam Park Encampment 

 November 5, 2022

Putnam Memorial State Park

Redding, Connecticut     

This one-day event will commemorate the 244th anniversary of the arrival and encampment of Genl Putnam’s Division in 1778.


“Camp Reading,” today the site of Putnam Memorial State Park, was created the year after the Danbury Raid and the Battle of Ridgefield.  The purpose of this event is to call attention to the sacrifices and achievements of the men and women who spent the winter of 1778-1779 in Redding, CT and to educate visitors about the camp’s important history. For more information, please visit the Friends and Neighbors website:


Lunch will be served to all registered participants. The event will include artillery and Calvary demonstrations, People of the Brigade, Children’s wooden musket drill, and a Battle or Tactical Weapons Demonstration.


Camping on site will be available both Friday and Saturday nights. In the 18th century camp, only common soldier’s wedge tents will be used. All local units are asked to bring a common soldier’s wedge tent to set up on the tent line.


All who have attended in the past have had a great time. We hope you will join us again this year. Online registration is available at .


Event Coordinators:  Dave Solek, 203-268-7940 or

                                   Bill Hagan, 203-313-5213 or .

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